Into Dusk

Aloha Churchill
1 min readOct 3, 2021


Into Dusk

By Aloha Churchill

Sun gathers battalions of light

To face shadowy soldiers of the night

In haste, they race to prepare

To face-off, to lay claim to the atmosphere

Dusk nears, silence sounds

Life on earth observes from the ground

Peacefully awaiting, innocent as a dove

And so begins the battle above

Swords of color clash streaking the sky

with scars of mysterious, unearthly dyes

And the sun’s radiance dims as realization dawns

That a victory for light is far, far gone

Tis’ the end of the battle, all turmoil ceases

Wind’s bated breath slowly releases

Moon climbs up to enthrone the heavens at a rapid pace

Defying lines of age etched unto his weary face

And as he ascends, Moon pledges to the sun

“I will honor your comrades, though darkness has won”

Carrying through with his magnanimous declaration

Moon gently places glittering vestiges of light into constellations

The darkness deepens, moon shadows stand

And a soporific sea washes o’er land

Dream, dream, do not awake

Till the sun arises for daybreak

